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Legal Warning

JinGames, including our mods, site and server Network are not in any way affiliated with Minecraft, Mojang AB and / or Notch Development AB.

"Minecraft" is a registered trademark of Mojang Synergies AB.

Version Minecraft 1.7.10
Players 28 / 115
Status Server is online

You have to login at JinGames to use this site!

Terms and Conditions

User must agree to these terms before proceeding with payments!

I. User must be of 18 years of age or have parental/guardians consent to proceed with payment.
II. For Every purchase there is no Chargeback or Refund available.
III. If the user has purchased server points or benefits, they agree that by being banned that said purchase is null, at the discretion of the owner.
IV. If any major rule breaking or violations occur, the player may forfeit these server points or benefits, at the discretion of the server's staff.
V. The server and its staff are not responsible for purchases, server points or benefits lost if the server is terminated.

last updated February 22th, 2017
JinGames staff and owner

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